Disfellowshipping is mean, cruel, harsh, inconsiderate, hurtful, painful and atrocious by itself. And then the d'fd person faces the reinstatement process which opens the wounds. I personaly know of numerous individuals who have been made to jump thru hoops in order to get reinstated. I'm talking about 4, 5, or 6 letters requesting reinstatement. Many/most judicial committees are down right vicious!
JW GoneBad
JoinedPosts by JW GoneBad
Why You Loyal Witnesses Should Oppose Disfellowshipping
by metatron inone night you are driving down a dark road.
another car swerves into your lane and hits you head on.
you wake up days later and discover you are paralyzed.
Did you Fade Gradually or Stop Attending Meetings Quickly ? Reasons ?
by flipper inbeen thinking about this and curious about what makes us all come to the decisions we came to in our fade/exiting the jw organization.. i think for myself having been born-in & raised a jw my doubts about the generation doctrine had simmered for years within me quietly and by the time i finally left in 2003 i had reached my breaking point.
also seeing unjust treatment of rank & file witness ( myself included ) just propelled me into my decision even quicker.
so - one day after meeting with 3 elders in a back room before a meeting and seeing their judgmental aggression towards me - i just told myself " enough is enough ".
JW GoneBad
I'm a JW GoinBad (in the fading process) for sure! Why???? For myriads of reasons.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-14-10 WT Study (UNITY2)
by blondie inthe unity of the christian congregation.
the glory by means of the congregation.. eph.
5. why can gods angels serve in unity, but why.
JW GoneBad
(paragragh 5)....... 1/3 of the angels went bad (I missed that). That is a huge number. I googled Rev 12:4 and some commentators say that the number of bad angels could have been as much as 50,000,000 (speculation). No matter, 1/3 of any number is still significant. The math renders paragraph 5 mute!
Good work Blondie on the rest of the article also.
Before sending their watchtower study articles to print, the WTS writing department should sub-contract the articles out to you for final editing. They aren't doing a good enough job in-house.
Are you suspicious of LURKERS?
by VampireDCLXV inwe all know they're here but we don't really know who they are.. they are people who sign up here and then never comment (or rarely ever do).. doesn't that make any of you regulars here at the very least a tiny bit suspicious?.
why would a person sign up to a forum like this and then never say a damn thing?
it seems to me that there is a primary reason why some folks sign up and then never comment on anything: to spy.
JW GoneBad
Hi Nickolas. It is because of deep roots. Years, obligations & ties = deep roots! And I have a sense of duty to my loved ones.
Is there a double life, a secret second life standard on our part? Ya! But its' like we are partners in crime as we go thru this (deceptive) journey together.
What fear? As the scriptural saying goes.....'there is no fear in love'.
Are you suspicious of LURKERS?
by VampireDCLXV inwe all know they're here but we don't really know who they are.. they are people who sign up here and then never comment (or rarely ever do).. doesn't that make any of you regulars here at the very least a tiny bit suspicious?.
why would a person sign up to a forum like this and then never say a damn thing?
it seems to me that there is a primary reason why some folks sign up and then never comment on anything: to spy.
JW GoneBad
It isn't because I don't trust this forum or any other, that I don't comment. I am very much an active observer. There may be a learning curve that I need to master in terms of navigating my way around that keeps me from being more 'visible'.
I am very much a disgruntled JW to say the least and I find these forums very therapeutic. Let me assure you, no one on this forum needs to be concerned about my intentions. They are, as the saying goes.....'very honorable intentions'. My wife & I have the luxury of being able to nurse each others' wounds that the JW org has inflicted on us. And then I have the added luxury of these forums where I get further healing by those of you who have 'been there done that' so to speak.
And then there is the numerous obligations & ties I have in the org that keeps me lying low.
It goes without saying that the society is very much suspicious of any in the congregations, especially the servant body , who may be 'Lurkers' on these forums. It is as though they have the elders on the look out. That, I would say is another reason for my maintaining a low profile. Rest assured I am very much on your side as I am sure many hundreds of thousands + of other lurkers are!
'A JW Gonin Bad'
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-07-10 WT Study (UNITY)
by blondie intrue christianity = only jws.
genuine christians only jws.
jehovahs people = only jws.
JW GoneBad
This whole article made me gag or want to throw up. One paragraph in particular says in part .......
Par 11: '.......It is unloving to treat others as inferior.'
We have maybe 6 that are disfellowshipped in our hall currently (believe it or not we have had as many as 14 disfellowshipped ........ at one time). We have a BOE that are disfellowship and discipline HAPPY. Anyway, when going over this paragraph at meeting, I couldn't help but think of the hypocrisy that permeates the organization over the disfellowshipping and reinstatement policy alone. The WBTS excells in making people feel INFERIOR. Ask any who have gone thru this disciplinary process!
Thank you 'Blondie' for your summary. After attending meeting it is good to come home and get your point of view of things. It is always right on! Keep up the good work. Good health to you!
Keep Your Family, Follow Ray Franz' Example. Think Smart!
by believingxjw ini feel terrible for those who have lost their families.
after reading coc, and after the shock of it, many of us hurried to leave and hurried to get our families out only to find ourselves on the outs with our loved ones.
but is that the best or only option?
JW GoneBad
Grandma Jones: I know how you feel. Staying in even though we know better, but doing so for the family is best for now (for my wife & I). None the less it is like living in the belly of the beast, having to put up with all the hypocrisy, lies & the like.
Ray Franz Was Wrong
by Farkel ingod rest his soul.
although i never met him personally, he and i did correspond a number of times, and i have numerous friends who have not only met him, but stayed several days with he and cynthia at their home.
if nothing else, ray was kind, non-judging, and generous.
JW GoneBad
Cut the guy (Franz) some slack! All of us are guilty by association, whether we are a xjw or still one. Who knows why he was soft on some of the issues or not as outspoken as we would have liked him to be. Maybe he had some obligations to others in the organization (possibly not wanting to put them in a compromising situation) that he no longer was a part of.
New Awake - JWs are Great!
by brotherdan inthis box appears in the new awake.. how can they say they have no clergy class?
what is the governing body?
how can they say they take no money collections at kingdom halls when the contribution boxes are very visible and we are reminded to give?
JW GoneBad
'They are globally united in their faith and Bible-based beliefs'. Not united as far as the blood issue is concerned, it seems!
It was our field service groups' turn to feed the visiting speaker before sending him off this past Sunday. He is a seasoned elder in the area. There were a few other elders in the group. Because someone in the group has an upcoming medical procedure, the topic turned to the blood issue. The visiting speaker mentioned that the hospital liaison committees (HLC) are complaining that there are too many rigid jw patients who are not going along with the changes toward accepting blood fractions. Doctors and medical staff, he said, are calling the brothers in to get their patients to cooperate more with these new procedures. Interestingly, the other elders said they had heard the same thing.
For those of you who may not know. The HLC was established a few years back to assist jw patients get better cooperation from the medical staff regarding bloodless management and other blood related issues. NOW, it is the doctors and nursing staff that are calling in the HLC to get the jw patients to cooperate with them. And the HLC are frustrated with the whole thing, especially with the uncooperative jw patients.
The HLC are hoping that the c.o., d.o. and boys back at bethel will put something together (like a part on the circuit assembly program) to adjust everyone's thinking and get more to accept blood fractions. No doubt this is not only a local but global problem. Where is the UNITY there?
It's OK Lurkers, Paranoid former JW's, and even you current JW's....
by AllTimeJeff init's ok.... to post here on the internet, on jwn, and other jw related forums.. first of all, as we all know, the governing body doesn't provide a forum for jw's to "associate" with their brothers and sisters.
i'm just guessing, and i could be wrong, that its harder to control the flock when they have free access to information and each other.
damn electricity and the technology it brings..... anyway, i realize that for anyone leaving, or for practicing jw's, to post is a nervous thing.
JW GoneBad
St George Of England: Good to meet you George. Look forward to getting better acquainted.